The Truth About Elvis Presley’s Identical Twin Brother Jesse Presley

Even though Elvis Presley, dubbed the King of Rock and Roll, passed away in 1977, he has always been a topic of curiosity and conversation. His private life and family have also been among the main subjects that have intrigued the singer’s fans. Thus, not surprisingly, many conspiracy theories revolve around the late star, especially regarding his death.

Considering his tremendous fame, it is understandable to some point that the fervent fans want to imagine an alternative reality where Presley is still alive. Despite clear statements from doctors and medical reports, some insist that the late rocker had faked his own death to live a secluded life.

One of the most persistent rumors claims that he faked his death because he wanted to escape the mafia, who would try to kill him. It is for sure that the world is not ready to stop talking about Elvis Presley. One of the other conspiracy theories regarding the singer’s family is related to his twin brother Jesse Garon Presley, who died at birth.

Did Elvis Presley Use His Twin Brother As A Body Double?

When Elvis Presley was born to Vernon and Gladys Presley on January 8, 1935, in Mississippi, he wasn’t the only child that came into the world that day. His identical twin brother Jesse Garon Presley was removed from his mother’s womb 35 minutes before Elvis, but unfortunately, he was stillborn. So, the late artist remained the only surviving child.

However, some fans claim that Jesse didn’t die at birth. They went even further and argued that Elvis used him as a body double on occasion. According to them, Jesse stayed out of the public eye for years but helped his brother by replacing him at various appearances. Whether it is true or just a rumor, many biographers believe that Jesse’s death profoundly impacted Elvis for most of his life.

Peter O. Whitmer, a clinical psychologist, wrote in his book, ‘Inner Elvis: A Psychological Biography of Elvis Aaron Presley,’ that his brother’s death deeply affected Elvis Presley because he felt guilty about it, although it wasn’t his fault. Whitmer believes that his connection to Jesse’s passing had haunted the late singer in all his relationships.

Here is what Peter Whitmer said in his book:

“Elvis’s twin’s death at birth was a tragedy that triggered a process that made his dead sibling the bedrock, the singular driving force in his life. Jesse was a restless spirit who eventually haunted all of Presley’s relationships.”

Some authors claim that single twins often feel a special connection to their absent brothers for the rest of their lives, so it is very likely that Elvis’ guilt about Jesse played a role in his state of mind. Some also believe Jesse’s spirit was the driving force in the late star’s successful musical journey. Still, we will never know how Elvis felt about his twin brother’s death or how it impacted him.